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Alumni and Careers

Studying our dramatically changing Earth, ocean, and climate is fascinating. Add the perk that the skills and knowledge that EOS students acquire, even as undergraduates, are in demand by many industries—and you have a dynamic, exciting major that can lead you to a fulfilling career.

Career Resources

  • grow.png 
    GROW is a website dedicated to providing resources for both undergraduate and graduate students who intend to pursue a career in geoscience.

  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes an occupational outlook handbook every year. Learn more about occupations in earth and oceanographic sciences on the BLS website. 
    Median Annual Salaries for Geoscientists: $83,680 (as of May 2021)

Destinations of Recent EOS Alumni

Profiles of individuals and their education/career paths published by earth and oceanographic organizations: